My approach to movement and the correct body movement

"Proper motion" and "correct posture" have to be organic to a native body's movement.

As we try to force anything on our body, this is no longer a proper motion.
The goal, for me, is to understand how a natural movement of human body should occur, and to examine how it could be possible to repeat that natural movement, in the most proper and simplest way.

Movement must be aimed and oriented to survival

the ability to respond, to act, to protect itself (and others who are under its responsibility), has to be maintained by the body. Each moment, human beings should retain a dynamic position which will allow to respond quickly and properly to what is going on around: change a position, tune the height, etc. Standing is also a part of the 'movement', and therefore, even while standing, the same dynamics and an ability to react should be kept.

Proper movement should be easy and graceful.

Like a deer that jumps lightly but not flaccid, exerting the right level of force. Most people exert more force than needed each movement they do. On the other hand, their movements are small, short and weak. Native movement enables to perform necessary movement gracefully and pleasantly, so that it will become integrate to the whole body movement and its environment.

Body stretching should be "in connection with" this bending.

As we straighten too much, all our limbs are locked and stretched too much and then the connection with crouch and native movement of the body is lost. My approach to body's movement makes it possible to learn and internalize links and relations existing in these "folded" conditions and to project them on the mode which we should work with our body in an upright position.

Movement has to be multidimensional and multidirectional.

Movement of human body does not occur in straight lines. Any movement of any joint or any limb in our body is never been completely straight. Most of our limbs move in cone rotation. Pelvis and shoulders are not a "block" which moves in space (although most people catch space linearly and one-dimensionally, and think that hands, legs and whole body move in straight lines).
An example for the fact that movement does not occur in straight lines can be seen when a baby holds an object in his palm: he rotates inside his wrist immediately in order to bring the object closer to his mouth.
But not only our joints and limbs move in a multidimensional way – in the pictures below you can notice that the whole body can move in space in more complicated and multidirectional way: sometimes you should turn your body, rotate it or get it out of symmetry in order to achieve any goal by an optimal way.